Compare Text, Word Documents or PDF files online

Use our side-by-side document comparison software below to highlight changes
To try our online comparison tool, please load this page on a larger-screen device such as a tablet, laptop or a desktop computer.

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comparison solution?

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Comparison software Draftable


Draftable is used by large organisations to compare files and documents side-by-side and find the differences.
Comparison software for Lawyers Draftable Legal

Draftable Legal

Draftable Legal is trusted by law firms and legal teams to compare documents in Redline PDFs and tracked changes.

We help professionals make millions of comparisons each year

It's easy to find differences with Draftable.

Side by Side View

Our side-by-side view lets you track changes in seconds. As you scroll, both docs stay in sync.

Single Page View

Switch to a single page view to see all changes in a redline view.

Change List

See every change together in one list. Click on a change that interests you, and you’ll be taken to that point in the doc.

Export to PDF

Export comparisons to PDF format for easy sharing with others. Available with both single-page and side-by-side view.

Content & Text Style Changes

It’s not just about content. See changes to text styles like font, font size, bold and italics.

Enterprise Ready

Battle-hardened and heavily tested, Draftable has been used to compare over 10 million documents. Service level guarantees available.


What is Draftable?

Draftable is a tool that helps you to compare any two texts or documents online. It highlights (redlines) all differences between the two files so you can find changes quickly. Click here to see a sample comparison.

What types of documents can I compare?

Using our online diff checker software, you can compare any two PDF files, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, P files and PowerPoint presentations.

You can even compare a PDF file with a Word document, side-by-side. Draftable will redline all deletions and highlight all new changes.

Is there a way to compare free text online?

Absolutely! Draftable's Online Tool includes a new feature to compare two free text entries online. This is ideal for quick documents comparisons without needing to sign up.

Why should I use Draftable over a free online comparison tool?

Compare to online widget Draftable's comparison software offers enhanced security and functionality over online services. By processing documents locally, it ensures sensitive information remains private and secure. Additionally, its intuitive interface supports a wide range of file formats, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly comparison experience. Try online text diff checker here

Can I compare documents offline?

Draftable offers enterprise-grade solutions as well as a free online comparison tool. We have three options:

  • Online tool.
    A free, web-based comparison tool that requires no signup. Perfect for quick Word, PDF, and other files comparisons on the go.
  • Desktop Version.
    Supports offline file comparisons, including Plain Text, Rich Text, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files. This version is ideal for privacy-conscious users who need offline access. After a free trial, licenses can be purchased for teams. Learn more here.
    The desktop software is available in two versions: Draftable (best for large organisations) and Draftable Legal (best for law firms and legal teams).
  • Enterprise solutions.
    This includes on-premise options such as desktop software and a diff checker REST API, providing robust privacy and customisation. Read more here. Contact us here.

Why do I need it to compare documents in Word - I can use the Microsoft Word Compare function?

  • Broader file compatibility.
    Draftable has a broader file compatibility than Word Compare, supporting a wide range of file formats for comparison. Both Draftable and Draftable Legal can handle Word documents, PDFs (including scanned documents), PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets, without the need to convert them into Word format first.
  • Greater accuracy.
    If you’re using Draftable Legal, you'll get greater accuracy over Word Compare, by detecting changes at a more detailed character level in addition to word-level changes.  Unlike MS Word, it also identifies text that has been moved and edited.
  • Greater workflow efficiency.
    You’ll also get greater workflow efficiency when using Draftable Legal over Word Compare. Draftable Legal integrates seamlessly with essential software such as Word, Outlook, and Document Management Systems. These integrations reduce the number of clicks required to run a comparison. It speeds up subsequent tasks, like sending comparison results from Draftable with a single click.

Read more about the differences between Draftable and MS Word Compare here.

What is redline comparison?

Redline comparison tools display the differences between Word, PDF, PPT or text documents with distinct formatting and colours for deleted, inserted and moved text, so you can easily identify changes within a single document view.

Draftable offers different types of redline text comparison output including:

  • Word Redline with or without tracked changes
  • PDF Redline including changed pages only
  • Redline in Excel
  • Redline in PowerPoint

Why would I use text comparison?

Draftable offers document comparison software for large companies. It is designed to help you find small differences and highlight key changes quickly, in a side-by-side viewer. Other benefits include:  

  • Cost savings.
    Draftable shortens the process of finding changes down to just seconds, reducing the cost burden to your business.
  • Time savings.
    Get your day back – stop comparing documents manually.
  • Reduce embarrassing errors.
    Draftable helps your team stay on top of changes and look great in front of clients and colleagues.

Do I need a Microsoft 365 subscription to compare two Word documents with Draftable?

You don’t need a Microsoft 365 subscription to use Draftable Online or API. When using Draftable Desktop, you can compare text, Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents using Office 2007 or later (including 365 and non-365 versions).

To use the 'Export to Track Changes' feature on Draftable Desktop, you will need Office 2013 Pro Plus or later (including Office 365). See the full list of system requirements for Draftable Desktop here and for Draftable Legal here.

How do I find the differences between two Word documents?

Upload your Word files into the launcher, click Compare, and see the differences highlighted. Read more here.

What types of differences can Draftable detect and how does it display the differences between two Word documents?

Draftable can detect changes in document content, fonts (family size and colour), styling (e.g. bold, italics), and layout (alignment, indentation). It can also find differences in complex elements like tables, text boxes, hidden text, footnotes, and endnotes.

What about security?

Draftable takes security seriously. We specialise in document comparison for large organisations and can cater to teams who have obligations concerning privacy and security. We will gladly work with your IT or Dev teams to get you up and running quickly.

To discuss our self-hosted version or API, Contact Us. Read More About Security.