Compare Word Documents or PDF Files Online

Use our side-by-side document comparison software below to highlight changes
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We've got a solution for that too.
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We help professionals make millions of comparisons each year

Our premium solutions are built for large organisations

Draftable Compare desktop.

Draftable Desktop

Compare documents with ease, from the privacy of your computer.
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Draftable API

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It's easy to find text differences with Draftable.

Side by Side View

Our side-by-side view lets you track changes in seconds. As you scroll, both docs stay in sync.

Single Page View

Switch to a single page view to see all changes in a redline view.

Change List

See every change together in one list. Click on a change that interests you, and you’ll be taken to that point in the doc.

Export to PDF

Export comparisons to PDF format for easy sharing with others. Available with both single-page & side-by-side view

Content & Text Style Changes

It’s not just about content. See changes to text styles like font, font size, bold & italics.

Enterprise Ready

Battle-hardened and heavily tested, Draftable has been used to compare over 10 million documents. Service level guarantees available.


What is Draftable?

Draftable is a tool that helps you to compare any two documents online. It highlights (redlines) all differences between the two files so that you can find changes quickly. Click here to see a sample comparison.

What Types of Documents Can I Compare?

Using our online text diff checker software, you can compare any two PDF Files, Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint Files. That's right - you can compare a PDF file with a Word Document, side-by-side! Draftable will redline all deletions and highlight all new changes.

Does Draftable Offer an Offline Version?

Draftable offers document comparison software for large companies. It is designed to help you find small differences and highlight key changes quickly, in a side-by-side viewer. We have three products:

  1. Online Tool - Free & no signup required.
  2. Desktop - After a free trial, you can buy licenses for your team. Learn more here.
  3. Enterprise solutions - Do you have specific security and privacy obligations? We have on-premise solutions including desktop software and a diff checker REST API. Read more here. Contact us here.

What About Security?

Draftable takes security seriously. We specialise in document comparison for large organisations and can cater to teams who have obligations concerning privacy and security. This means we will gladly work with your IT or Dev teams to get you up and running in a smooth fashion. To discuss our self-hosted version or API, Contact Us. Read More About Security.

What is Redline Document Comparison?

Often referred to as legal blackline or redline, document comparison enables you to quickly check for all changes instead of manually finding them yourself. Draftable highlights all the changes in our side-by-side viewer, redlining deletions and highlighting all new additions.

Why Would I Use Document Comparison?

Draftable offers document comparison software for large companies. It is designed to help you find small differences and highlight key changes quickly, in a side-by-side viewer. We have three products:

  • Cost savings. Draftable shortens the process of finding changes down to just seconds, reducing the cost burden to your business.
  • Time savings. Get your day back – stop comparing documents manually.
  • Reduce embarrassing errors. Draftable helps your team stay on top of changes and look great in front of clients and colleagues.

Useful Information

New to Draftable?

Starting a comparison

Using our free online compare tool is simple:

  1. Upload an older/base file with the left button.
  2. Upload a newer/target file with the right button.
  3. Hit Compare.

Differences in text are highlighted

When your comparison is complete, you will see two documents side-by-side, with the changes highlighted.

  • Deleted text (on the left but not the right) is highlighted red.
  • Inserted text (on the right but not the left) is highlighted blue.
  • Text that has been replaced is considered a combination of deleted text and inserted text.

Sync Scrolling

You'll notice that your documents will scroll together, sometimes at varying speeds. This is Sync Scrolling optimising your text comparison viewing experience. You can disable this by toggling the button.


Something is highlighted but hasn't changed

Inevitably, there are times when Draftable isn't certain about a change. In these cases, we highlight them to ensure no change is missed.

My whole document is highlighted (or un-highlighted)

This typically means that your document has been scanned, and is actually just an image. Running your document through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, which converts documents into machine-encoded text, will generate a text layer with differences that Draftable can read. This is especially useful for comparing and analysing comparative texts. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat or PDF-XChange for optimal results.

My document is too long or too large

The file size limits for our online compare tool are 300 pages and 10 MB.
To compare larger documents (or Excel spreadsheets content), try Draftable Desktop.

I don't speak English

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